Your rollup door is a critical part of your business’s success. What happens if your rollup door has problems? We’ll be discussing some of the most common problems with rollup doors and offer tips on how to fix them. Continue reading to find out more.

Is your rollup door uneven? Do you find it hard to open or close the door? If it does, then it is likely to be having problems with an overhead door over the course of its life. These problems can often be prevented if you know how to deal with them.

According to Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, these are seven possible causes of garage doors malfunctioning.


Roll-up garage door losing power is a common reason for overhead door repair. You need to be able to distinguish between a widespread power outage and an isolated event. If your garage door stops working but your building has power, then it may be an issue with the breakers. This could mean that your garage door is either closed or open.

The same goes for your wall switch or remote — it could be out-of-sync or defective wiring. Once you have identified the problem, disconnect the power supply and then try to repair or troubleshoot it.

The garage door opener could also be faulty. If this is the situation, make sure that the opener is properly plugged to an outlet and that no circuit breaker is tripped. If these are all in good order, it could indicate a motor problem.


Obstructions could be either physical objects or particles of dirt and dust. No explanation for your rollup door not opening or closing is too extreme. It is possible for small particles to build up and cause problems with the door’s operation. It is simple to clear a physical obstruction such as a loose piece of material. It will take a little more effort to remove dirt and grime.

To clean the tracks of an automatic opener, you can use a brush attachment to your vacuum cleaner. You will need to clean the tracks using a rag. Your door will operate better once you have removed all obstructions.


Components can wear down over time, making it difficult for your rollup door to open. Overhead door wear and tear is common for bearings and torsion springs.

Torsion springs can be found in many door types and allow for up to 50,000 cycles. Eventually, they will wear out. The environment may also play a role in this. Humidity can make them more susceptible to rust. It doesn’t really matter if the torsion spring needs to be adjusted or replaced entirely. For your safety, always call a professional when replacing torsion springs.

There is another part of the door that may wear down over time. These bearings support the spring weight as well as the entire door. They may grind over time, causing the rollup doors to work harder and be louder. The door may not move properly if the end-bearing plates are damaged. If you see any black powder or dirt around the components, it is possible to detect signs of wear.

For the opener’s photo-eye sensor to function properly, automatic doors should be level. The sensor will not be able to read the environment correctly if your door isn’t level. A tape measure can be used to verify that your door is level. You can measure from the bottom to the ground on either side of your door. If you see a difference between these numbers, it means that your door isn’t level.


Rollup door problems are often caused by misaligned parts. A door that is not aligned with the tracks, fascia, or hood can damage the guides and cause property damage. This can affect both the aesthetic quality and performance of your door. This is a problem you should avoid. It is much easier to solve one problem than many.

Rust can also affect the alignment of a door. This is often caused by corroded tracks. Rust can cause uneven roll-up doors by affecting the way the door runs on the tracks. A domino effect could occur when the tracks are misaligned. This could cause damage to the curtain or make it harder to work.


Motor-related issues may cause your electric rollup doors to not open. Motors can be complicated and it might not be possible to identify the cause without the help of an overhead door professional. Before calling to inspect the motor, ensure that the door is shut off and the power supply is switched off.

Although a complete motor failure is more obvious, it’s possible that the motor isn’t working properly with the wall switch or remote control. Motor-powered doors can also have faulty sensors. This can cause your overhead door to not be able to detect obstructions and then reverse or stop when necessary.


The likelihood of your door springs breaking is increased if you tension them more than the recommended. You may also have other concerns. If the spring tension gets too high, it can make the door difficult to close and more difficult to open. If the spring tension is too low, the door becomes difficult and more difficult to open. It is best to have your door tension adjusted by a professional to make sure that everything is calibrated correctly.

In summary, as per Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, rollup doors are great for protecting your facility from the elements and protecting it against intruders. Rollup doors can also protect your merchandise from prying eyes. These abilities are only possible if the door works properly. Rollup doors can have a variety of problems that could affect their ability to protect your investment. Natural occurrences such as rust or aging can cause problems in high-quality rollup door models.

Rockwall Best Garage & Overhead Doors

Rockwall, Texas 75087
