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Tag: Garage Door Repair Keller TX

How To Program Marantec Garage Door Keypad – Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs

Programming your Marantec Garage Door Repair Keller TX is a straightforward process that involves a series of steps to synchronize it with your garage door opener.

Here’s a comprehensive guide with detailed instructions to ensure a successful setup.

: Gather Your Equipment

Before you begin, make sure you have the following items ready:

  • Marantec garage door keypad
  • Marantec garage door opener with a learn or programming button
  • Fresh batteries for the keypad
  • Your garage door opener manual and keypad manual

: Locate the Keypad

Find the Marantec garage door keypad, which is typically mounted outside your garage, near the entrance. If you haven’t installed it yet, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper placement.

: Reset the Keypad

To ensure a clean start, reset the keypad to its default settings. Open the battery cover and look for a reset button. Press and hold it for a few seconds, as specified in the keypad manual.

: Identify the Learn or Programming Button

Locate the programming or learn button on the main motor unit of your Marantec garage door opener. This unit is usually mounted on the ceiling of your garage. The button may be labeled as “Learn,” “Program,” or have a similar designation.

: Choose a PIN

Decide on a Personal Identification Number (PIN) that you’ll use to operate the garage door. Choose a combination that is easy for you to remember but not easily guessable by others.

: Enter Programming Mode on the Opener

Stand near the motor unit and press the programming or learn button. The indicator light on the motor unit should start flashing, indicating that it’s ready to learn a new code.

: Enter the PIN on the Keypad

Within a specific time frame (usually around 30 seconds), enter your chosen PIN on the keypad. Some keypads may require you to press a specific button after entering the PIN. Look for any visual or audible confirmation that the keypad has transmitted the code.

: Test the Keypad

Exit programming mode on the motor unit by pressing the programming or learn button again. Test the keypad by entering your PIN and pressing the “Enter” or “Open” button. The garage door should respond by opening or closing.

: Adjust Advanced Settings (if available)

Consult your keypad and garage door opener manuals for any advanced settings, such as time delays, temporary PINs, or additional security features. Adjust these settings according to your preferences.

: Secure the Keypad

Ensure that the keypad is securely mounted, protected from the elements, and positioned in a way that prevents easy access by unauthorized individuals. Consider changing your PIN periodically for added security.

: Troubleshooting

If the programming process fails or if you encounter any issues, refer to the manuals for both the keypad and garage door opener. Look for troubleshooting guides and follow the recommended steps to resolve any problems.

: Keep Manuals Handy

Store the manuals for both the keypad and garage door opener in a safe and easily accessible place. These manuals contain valuable information about troubleshooting, maintenance, and additional features that may come in handy in the future.

By following these detailed steps, you should be able to successfully program your Marantec Garage Door Repair Keller TX and enjoy convenient and secure access to your garage. If you encounter any challenges, don’t hesitate to consult the manuals or contact Marantec customer support for assistance.

Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs

1213 Hillside Dr, Keller, TX 76248, United States


How to Paint Faux Wood Grain on a Metal Garage Door: A DIY Guide – Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs

As a homeowner with a metal garage door, I’ve always admired the classic and timeless look of wood grain finishes. However, replacing my metal garage door with a wooden one wasn’t a practical option. That’s when I discovered the art of painting faux wood grain on a metal surface.

By following Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs, I’ll share my journey into this creative DIY project, the step-by-step process I followed, and tips to help you achieve the same stunning wood grain effect on your metal garage door.

Why Paint Faux Wood Grain on a Metal Garage Door?

Painting faux wood grain on a metal garage door offers several advantages:

1. Cost-Effective: It’s a budget-friendly alternative to replacing the entire garage door with a real wood one.

2. Customization: You can choose the wood species, grain pattern, and color to match your home’s style and your personal preferences.

3. Durability: Metal garage doors are known for their longevity and resistance to weather, making them a durable canvas for this project.

4. Increased Curb Appeal: The wood grain finish can instantly elevate the curb appeal of your home, creating a welcoming and inviting look.

5. DIY Satisfaction: This project allows you to unleash your creativity and achieve a professional-looking wood grain finish on your own.

Materials and Tools You’ll Need

Before embarking on this DIY project, gather the necessary materials and tools:


  1. Metal garage door
  2. Exterior primer
  3. Exterior paint in base color (usually a light wood color)
  4. Exterior paint in wood grain color (a darker wood color)
  5. Paintbrushes (various sizes)
  6. Wood graining tool or rocker
  7. Stencil brush
  8. Wood graining comb or brush
  9. Drop cloths or plastic sheeting
  10. Painter’s tape
  11. Paint trays and liners
  12. Sandpaper (medium grit)
  13. Tack cloth
  14. Clear polyurethane sealer (optional, for added protection)


  1. Screwdriver or drill (for removing hardware)
  2. Paint roller and extension pole
  3. Sawhorses (for door panels)
  4. Ladder or scaffolding (for reaching high areas)
  5. Safety gear: safety glasses, gloves, and a respirator mask

Step-by-Step Guide to Painting Faux Wood Grain

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of painting faux wood grain on your metal garage door:

Step 1: Prepare the Garage Door

  • Start by disconnecting the garage door opener for safety.
  • Remove any hardware, handles, or other accessories from the garage door using a screwdriver or drill.
  • Lay down drop cloths or plastic sheeting to protect the surrounding area from paint splatter.

Step 2: Clean and Sand the Surface

  • Use a medium-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the entire surface of the garage door. This will create a slightly rough texture for better paint adhesion.
  • Wipe down the door with a tack cloth to remove any dust or debris.

Step 3: Apply Exterior Primer

  • Apply a coat of exterior primer to the entire garage door surface. This will help the paint adhere better and ensure a smooth finish.
  • Allow the primer to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 4: Base Coat Application

  • Start by applying a base coat of exterior paint in your chosen light wood color. This will serve as the background for the wood grain.
  • Use a paint roller for larger areas and a paintbrush for edges and details.
  • Allow the base coat to dry completely.

Step 5: Mix Wood Grain Paint

  • Mix your wood grain paint (darker wood color) with a paint conditioner or extender according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will give you more working time for the wood grain effects.

Step 6: Create the Wood Grain Effect

  • Once the base coat is dry, use a wood graining tool, rocker, or a homemade tool (such as a piece of cardboard with grooves) to create the wood grain effect.
  • Dip the tool in the mixed wood grain paint and then drag it horizontally across the door’s surface, creating the appearance of wood grain.
  • You can vary the pressure and spacing of your strokes to achieve different wood grain patterns.
  • Work in small sections and continue across the entire door, making sure to blend the lines for a natural look.

Step 7: Add Knots and Details

  • Use a stencil brush or small paintbrush to add knots and details to the wood grain. Dip the brush in the wood grain paint and lightly dab it onto the door to create knots.
  • You can also use a wood graining comb or brush to add additional detail and texture.

Step 8: Allow to Dry

  • Allow the wood grain paint to dry completely. This may take several hours, so be patient.

Step 9: Protect with Clear Sealer (Optional)

  • To enhance durability and protect the finish, you can apply a clear polyurethane sealer. This step is optional but recommended, especially for areas with extreme weather conditions.

Step 10: Reinstall Hardware

  • Once the paint and sealer are fully dry, reinstall any hardware, handles, or accessories that were removed.

Step 11: Reconnect the Garage Door Opener

  • Reconnect the garage door opener and test the door’s functionality to ensure it opens and closes smoothly.

Tips for Achieving Realistic Wood Grain

To achieve a realistic wood grain finish, keep these tips in mind:

  • Practice on a small test surface before tackling the entire door to get a feel for the technique.
  • Study real wood grain patterns to replicate the look accurately.
  • Vary the pressure and direction of your wood graining tool strokes for a natural appearance.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different tools and techniques to achieve the desired effect.

Maintenance and Longevity

Properly painted faux wood grain can last for many years with minimal maintenance. To keep your garage door looking its best:

  • Regularly clean the surface with a mild detergent and water to remove dirt and debris.
  • Inspect for any signs of peeling or damage and touch up as needed.
  • Consider reapplying a clear sealer every few years to protect the finish.

In Conclusion: Transform Your Metal Garage Door

Overall, according to Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs, painting faux wood grain on a metal garage door is a rewarding DIY project that can dramatically enhance the aesthetics of your home. With the right materials, tools, and a little patience, you can achieve a stunning wood grain finish that mimics the look of real wood. The result is a personalized and budget-friendly solution that boosts curb appeal and adds a touch of elegance to your property. So, roll up your sleeves and embark on this creative journey to transform your metal garage door into a beautiful wood grain masterpiece.

Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs

1213 Hillside Dr, Keller, TX 76248, United States


Can You Replace Garage Door Opener Remote – Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs

Your Garage Door Repair Keller TX is a convenient and essential device that allows you to open and close your garage door with ease. Over time, these remotes can become damaged, lost, or simply stop working.

When this happens, it’s crucial to replace your garage door opener remote to ensure the security and functionality of your garage. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to replace your garage door opener remote, providing you with a detailed and comprehensive overview of the process.

: Identify Your Garage Door Opener Model

Before purchasing a replacement remote, you need to identify the model and brand of your garage door opener. This information is usually found on the opener unit itself or in the owner’s manual. Knowing the model and brand is crucial because different remotes are often not compatible with one another.

: Purchase a Compatible Replacement Remote

Once you have identified your garage door opener’s model and brand, it’s time to purchase a compatible replacement remote. You can buy these remotes from various sources, including hardware stores, online retailers, or directly from the manufacturer. Make sure to double-check that the remote you choose is compatible with your specific garage door opener model.

: Remove the Old Remote

Before programming the new remote, you’ll need to remove the old one from your garage door opener system. Typically, this involves locating the “Learn” or “Program” button on the opener unit, which is often located near the light bulb socket. Press this button, and a light or indicator will usually begin flashing.

: Program the New Remote

Programming the new remote is a critical step in the replacement process. Here’s how to do it:

a. Hold the new remote close to the opener unit. b. Press and release the “Learn” or “Program” button on the opener unit. The indicator light should start flashing. c. Within 30 seconds, press and hold the button on the new remote that you want to use to operate your garage door. d. Hold the button until the indicator light on the opener unit stops flashing. This indicates that the remote has been successfully programmed.

: Test the New Remote

After programming the new remote, it’s essential to test it to ensure it’s working correctly. Stand at a reasonable distance from the garage door and press the button you programmed. The door should respond by opening or closing. If it does not, repeat the programming process, ensuring that you follow the steps precisely.

: Secure the New Remote

Once you’ve confirmed that the new remote is working as expected, it’s crucial to secure it. Keep it in a safe place, such as your car’s glove compartment or a keychain remote holder, to prevent loss or damage.

Additional Tips:

  1. Battery Replacement: Remember that garage door opener remote batteries can wear out. If your remote stops working, try replacing the batteries before considering a replacement.
  2. Universal Remotes: If you’re having trouble finding a remote that matches your specific garage door opener model, consider a universal remote. These remotes are designed to work with a wide range of openers and can often be programmed to suit your needs.
  3. Professional Assistance: If you’re unsure about any aspect of replacing your garage door opener remote or encounter difficulties during the process, it’s wise to seek professional assistance from a qualified technician.


Replacing your Garage Door Repair Keller TX is a straightforward process when you follow these steps and take the time to ensure compatibility with your opener model. A functioning remote is essential for the security and convenience of your home, so don’t hesitate to replace it when needed. With the right remote in hand, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of a well-operating garage door opener system.

Keller Garage Door & Gate Repairs

1213 Hillside Dr, Keller, TX 76248, United States


Why Does My Garage Door Opener Work Intermittently-Keller TX Garage Door

Garage Door Repair Keller TX openers have become an essential convenience in our daily lives, providing easy access to our homes and protecting our valuable belongings.

However, it can be quite frustrating when these devices start to work intermittently, causing inconvenience and uncertainty. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various reasons why your garage door opener might be behaving erratically, and explore potential solutions to address these issues.

  1. Power Supply Problems

One of the most common reasons for intermittent garage door opener malfunctions is related to power supply issues. The opener may not be receiving adequate power, leading to irregular functionality. Check the power source, ensure the outlet is working correctly, and verify the power cord for any damages. If you’re using a battery-operated opener, replace the batteries with new ones to eliminate power-related problems.

  1. Remote Control Signal Interference

Interference from nearby devices can disrupt the communication between the remote control and the garage door opener. Wireless routers, cordless phones, or even other remote-operated devices might be causing this issue. Try repositioning the router or changing the frequency settings on both the opener and the remote control to minimize signal interference.

  1. Sensor Misalignment

Garage door openers are equipped with safety sensors that prevent the door from closing if an object or person is in the way. If these sensors become misaligned or obstructed by dirt or debris, they may fail to function properly, leading to intermittent behavior. Inspect the sensors, clean them, and ensure they are correctly aligned facing each other.

  1. Worn-out Remote Control

The remote control itself might be the culprit for the erratic behavior. Over time, the buttons may wear out or the internal components may become faulty. Test the remote with a different opener or use a spare remote to see if the problem persists. If it does, consider replacing the remote or seeking professional repair.

  1. Faulty Wiring

Faulty or damaged wiring within the garage door opener system can lead to intermittent functionality. Inspect the wiring for any signs of wear, fraying, or damage. If you’re not familiar with electrical work, it’s best to seek assistance from a qualified technician.

  1. Limit Switch Issues

Garage door openers have limit switches that determine the door’s open and close positions. If these switches are misaligned, damaged, or obstructed, the door might not open or close completely, causing intermittent operation. Check the switches and adjust or replace them if necessary.

  1. Environmental Factors

Extreme weather conditions can affect the garage door opener’s performance. Cold temperatures can slow down the opener’s movement, while excess heat can cause components to overheat and malfunction. Consider adding insulation to the garage or investing in a garage door opener model designed for extreme climates.

  1. Motor Problems

The motor is the heart of the garage door opener, and any issues with it can lead to intermittent operation. Motor overheating, worn-out gears, or lack of lubrication can cause the door to stop functioning properly. Regular maintenance and lubrication can extend the motor’s lifespan and prevent intermittent issues.

  1. Frequency Interference

Some garage door openers use fixed frequency settings, which can be vulnerable to interference from nearby electronic devices or military bases. Upgrading to a modern opener with rolling code technology can prevent frequency interference and enhance security.


Dealing with a Garage Door Repair Keller TX opener that works intermittently can be a frustrating experience. However, by understanding the potential causes of these issues and following the appropriate troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve the problem yourself. In more complex cases or if you are unsure about the cause, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional garage door technician. Proper maintenance and care will ensure your garage door opener operates reliably and consistently, providing you with the convenience and security you expect.

Keller TX Garage Door

Keller, TX


Top Benefits of Insulated Garage Doors for Energy Efficiency – Keller TX Garage Door

As a homeowner who has upgraded to an insulated garage door, I can personally attest to the remarkable benefits it offers in terms of energy efficiency. Previously, I overlooked the impact my garage door had on energy losses, resulting in higher heating and cooling costs.

I will share my firsthand experiences from Keller TX Garage Door and insights into the advantages of insulated garage doors for energy efficiency. From significant energy savings and reduced utility bills to improved temperature regulation and noise reduction, insulated garage doors provide a range of benefits. Discover how this simple upgrade can make a substantial difference in your home’s energy efficiency and overall comfort.

  1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings: Upgrading to an insulated garage door has significantly improved the energy efficiency of my home while delivering considerable cost savings. Traditional non-insulated doors allow heat to escape during winter and enter during summer, leading to increased reliance on heating and cooling systems. Insulated doors, on the other hand, feature a layer of insulation, typically made of materials like polyurethane or polystyrene, which acts as a barrier against thermal transfer. This insulation minimizes heat loss and heat gain, reducing the workload on my HVAC system and resulting in noticeable energy savings. As a result, I have seen a considerable decrease in my monthly utility bills, allowing me to allocate those savings toward other household expenses.
  2. Temperature Regulation and Comfort: One of the most significant benefits of an insulated garage door is the improved temperature regulation it provides. Previously, my garage would become unbearably hot in the summer and excessively cold in the winter. However, since upgrading to an insulated door, I have noticed a significant difference in temperature consistency and comfort within the garage and adjoining living spaces. The insulation acts as a buffer against extreme outdoor temperatures, maintaining a more stable and comfortable environment throughout the year. This has made a noticeable impact, particularly when using the garage as a workspace or spending time in adjacent living areas. I can now enjoy a more comfortable and temperate environment, regardless of the season.
  3. Noise Reduction: Another unexpected benefit of insulated garage doors is their ability to reduce noise transmission. Previously, I would hear outside noises, such as traffic or neighbors, infiltrating the garage and adjacent living spaces. However, since installing an insulated door, I have experienced a significant reduction in noise. The insulation material acts as a sound barrier, effectively dampening exterior noises and preventing them from disturbing the tranquility of my home. Additionally, the insulation helps reduce noises generated within the garage, such as power tools or the operation of the garage door itself. This has contributed to a quieter and more peaceful living environment, allowing me to enjoy my home without unnecessary disturbances.
  4. Durability and Longevity: Investing in an insulated garage door has proven to be a wise choice in terms of durability and longevity. Insulated doors are typically constructed with additional layers and reinforced materials, making them more robust and resistant to dents and damage compared to non-insulated doors. The insulation layer also acts as an extra barrier against moisture, preventing rust and corrosion from affecting the door’s surface. This added durability translates into a longer lifespan for the door, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements. Not only does this save me money in the long run, but it also provides me with peace of mind knowing that my garage door will continue to perform reliably for years to come.
  5. Enhanced Curb Appeal and Home Value: Aside from the energy efficiency benefits, upgrading to an insulated garage door has enhanced the overall curb appeal and value of my home. Insulated doors come in a variety of attractive designs, colors, and finishes, allowing me to select one that complements the style and architecture of my home. The visual transformation of my home’s exterior has been remarkable. The enhanced curb appeal not only makes a positive impression on visitors but also increases the overall value of the property. Prospective buyers recognize the added benefits of an insulated garage door, including energy efficiency, comfort, and durability, making it a valuable selling point should I decide to sell my home in the future.
  6. Environmental Impact: Choosing an insulated garage door also aligns with my commitment to environmental responsibility. By reducing energy consumption and reliance on heating and cooling systems, I actively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Insulated doors help lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy production, promoting energy conservation and environmental preservation. Furthermore, some insulation materials used in garage doors, such as polyurethane foam, are recyclable, reducing their impact on landfills. Making the switch to an insulated garage door not only benefits me personally but also demonstrates my dedication to minimizing my environmental footprint.

In conclusion, according to Keller TX Garage Door, upgrading to an insulated garage door has been a game-changer in terms of energy efficiency and overall comfort for my home. The cost savings, improved temperature regulation, noise reduction, durability, enhanced curb appeal, and positive environmental impact are all tangible benefits of this simple yet effective upgrade. The investment in an insulated garage door has exceeded my expectations, providing long-term value, comfort, and peace of mind. I encourage homeowners to consider the advantages of an insulated garage door and experience the transformative benefits it offers. Upgrade your garage door to an insulated one and enjoy the remarkable difference it makes in your home’s energy efficiency and overall quality of living.

Keller TX Garage Door

Keller, TX


Can a Garage Door Crush You-Keller TX Garage Door

Garage Door Repair Keller TX are common features in residential properties, providing security and convenience for homeowners. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that garage doors can pose significant risks if not used properly or maintained adequately.

This article aims to explore the potential hazards associated with garage doors and emphasize the importance of adhering to safety precautions to prevent accidents and injuries.

Section 1: The Mechanics of Garage Doors :

Garage doors operate using a complex system of springs, cables, tracks, and motors. These components work together to facilitate the smooth opening and closing of the door. The sheer weight and force exerted by a garage door can be substantial, ranging from several hundred to over a thousand pounds, depending on the door’s size and material. The immense power involved in their operation makes garage doors potentially dangerous if mishandled.

Section 2: Common Causes of Accidents:

Accidents involving garage doors can occur due to various factors. One common cause is improper installation or maintenance. Faulty springs, worn-out cables, or misaligned tracks can lead to unexpected door malfunctions, causing it to fall abruptly or become stuck in the process. Additionally, using outdated or malfunctioning garage door openers can contribute to accidents, as they may not have the necessary safety features to prevent injuries.

Section 3: The Potential for Injury:

The weight and force of a garage door mean that anyone caught underneath it during operation is at risk of severe injury or even death. The impact of a closing garage door can crush bones, cause internal injuries, and potentially be fatal. Additionally, the sudden release of tension in a broken spring can lead to the door falling rapidly and unpredictably, posing an immediate danger to anyone nearby.

Section 4: Safety Precautions and Maintenance:

To mitigate the risks associated with garage doors, homeowners should prioritize safety precautions and regular maintenance. Here are some essential measures to consider:

  1. Regular Inspections: Perform visual inspections of the door, springs, cables, and tracks to identify any signs of wear or damage. Seek professional assistance promptly if any issues are detected.
  2. Professional Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance with a qualified technician who can inspect, lubricate, and adjust the door’s components as needed. This can help prevent potential malfunctions and identify any potential risks in advance.
  3. Proper Use and Education: Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the garage door. Ensure that all household members understand the proper use of the door and the associated safety features.
  4. Safety Features: Modern garage doors come equipped with various safety features, such as auto-reverse mechanisms and photoelectric sensors. Ensure these features are installed and functioning correctly to provide an additional layer of protection.
  5. Children and Pets: Keep children and pets away from the garage door area during its operation. Educate them about the potential hazards and establish clear rules to prevent accidents.


While Garage Door Repair Keller TX offer convenience and security, it is crucial to recognize the potential hazards they pose. By understanding the mechanics of garage doors, being aware of common causes of accidents, and implementing safety precautions and regular maintenance, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of injuries or even fatalities. Remember, prioritizing safety should always be the top priority when it comes to using and maintaining garage doors.

Keller TX Garage Door

Keller, TX


How to Program Lexus es350 Garage Door Opener-Keller Garage & Overhead Doors

To program the Garage Door Repair Keller TX opener in a Lexus ES350, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Before you begin, ensure that your garage door opener is compatible with the HomeLink system used in the Lexus ES350. Most garage door openers manufactured after 1996 are compatible, but it’s always best to check your owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer to confirm.
  2. Locate the HomeLink buttons in your Lexus ES350. They are usually located on the ceiling console, above the rearview mirror, or on the driver’s sun visor. You will find three buttons, labeled “HomeLink” or with an icon that resembles a house.
  3. Clear any existing programming in the HomeLink system. Hold down the first and third buttons simultaneously until the indicator light starts blinking rapidly. This usually takes about 20 seconds. Release the buttons when the light starts blinking.
  4. Get your garage door opener remote control ready. You will need it to complete the programming process.
  5. Hold your garage door opener remote control close to the HomeLink buttons in your Lexus ES350, within a few inches.
  6. Press and hold the button on your garage door opener remote control that you want to program to the Lexus. At the same time, press and hold the corresponding HomeLink button in your Lexus. Keep both buttons pressed until the HomeLink indicator light starts flashing slowly. This usually takes about 20 seconds.
  7. Release both buttons when the HomeLink light starts flashing slowly. This indicates that the programming was successful.
  8. Now, go to your garage door opener motor unit, usually mounted on the ceiling in your garage. Locate the “Learn” or “Program” button on the motor unit.
  9. Press the “Learn” or “Program” button on the motor unit. You will have about 30 seconds to complete the next step.
  10. Go back to your Lexus ES350 and press and hold the programmed HomeLink button that you want to use to operate your garage door. Hold it down until the garage door starts moving or the indicator light on the motor unit flashes, indicating that the programming is complete. This process may take a few seconds.
  11. Test the programmed HomeLink button by pressing it once. The garage door should open or close accordingly. If it doesn’t, repeat the programming process from step 4.
  12. Once the programming is successful, you can program additional HomeLink buttons for other garage door openers or devices, following the same steps.

Note: Some garage door openers require an additional step to sync with the HomeLink system. Consult your garage door opener’s manual for any specific instructions.

Remember, these instructions may vary slightly depending on the model year of your Lexus ES350 and the Garage Door Repair Keller TX opener you are using. Always refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for precise instructions or contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Keller Garage & Overhead Doors

3529 Heritage Trace Pkwy#12, Keller, TX 76244


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