Installing Garage Door Repair North Richland Hills TX is a relatively straightforward DIY project that can help seal gaps around your garage door, keeping out drafts, water, and pests.

Here’s a step-by-step guide with detailed instructions on how to install garage door stop molding:

Tools and Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Garage door stop molding kit (typically available at hardware stores)
  2. Measuring tape
  3. Miter saw or utility knife
  4. Caulk gun and exterior-grade caulk
  5. Screws or nails
  6. Screwdriver or hammer
  7. Safety glasses
  8. Safety gloves
  9. Level
  10. Pencil

: Measure and Prepare

Before you start, measure the perimeter of your garage door frame to determine how much molding you’ll need. Make sure to account for any corners or angles. Purchase enough molding to cover this distance, plus a little extra for mistakes.

: Cut the Molding

Use a miter saw or a utility knife to cut the molding to the appropriate lengths. If you have angled corners, make miter cuts (45-degree angles) to ensure a snug fit. Remember to wear safety glasses and gloves while cutting.

: Clean the Surface

Clean the surface around the garage door frame to ensure good adhesion for the molding and caulk. Remove any dirt, debris, or old caulk.

: Apply Caulk

Load your caulk gun with exterior-grade caulk. Run a continuous bead of caulk along the backside of the molding. This caulk will create a watertight seal between the molding and the garage frame. Be generous with the caulk, especially in corners and at the ends of each piece of molding.

: Attach the Molding

Starting at one corner of the garage door frame, press the molding firmly against the frame, aligning it with the edge. If you have angled corners, carefully position the mitered ends together. Use a level to ensure the molding is straight and plumb. If needed, make adjustments before the caulk sets.

: Secure with Screws or Nails

Once the molding is in place, secure it to the garage frame using screws or nails. Place fasteners about every 12 inches along the length of the molding. Make sure to drive them flush with the surface but not so tight that they squeeze out all the caulk.

: Repeat for Remaining Pieces

Continue installing the molding piece by piece, repeating the caulking, aligning, and securing process for each section. Make sure to cut pieces to the appropriate length as needed.

: Seal the Joints

After all the molding is installed, go back and fill any gaps or joints with additional caulk. This will provide extra protection against drafts and moisture.

: Allow Time to Dry

Let the caulk dry and cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This may take a few hours or longer, depending on the product.

: Test the Garage Door

After the caulk has fully cured, test your garage door to ensure it opens and closes smoothly without any interference from the new molding.

: Paint or Finish (Optional)

If your molding is not pre-finished, you can paint or stain it to match your garage door or the surrounding trim.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully installed Garage Door Repair North Richland Hills TX This project should help improve the insulation and weatherproofing of your garage while also giving it a more finished look.

NRH’s Gates & Garage Doors

7048 Ridge Crest Dr, North Richland Hills, TX 76182, United States
