As a homeowner who recently reset my Linear garage door opener, I can share my personal experience and offer guidance on how to complete this task effectively.

Here’s a step-by-step account from Wise County Garage Door of how I reset my Linear garage door opener:

  1. Locate the Learn Button: To begin, I carefully examined the motor unit of my Linear garage door opener to locate the “Learn” button. In my case, it was situated on the back of the unit. I made note of its location for the upcoming steps.
  2. Clear the Existing Programming:
    • I pressed and released the “Learn” button on the motor unit. As a result, the indicator light on the motor unit turned on, indicating that the opener was ready to receive new programming.
    • Next, I grabbed the remote control that I wanted to clear and pressed and held the specific button I wished to reset. Holding it down, I waited until the indicator light on the motor unit blinked or turned off. This action cleared the existing programming from the remote control.
  3. Reset the Garage Door Opener:
    • Continuing with the resetting process, I pressed and held the “Learn” button on the motor unit until the indicator light turned off. Then, I released the button.
    • To confirm that I had access to the opener, I entered the PIN or password associated with the garage door opener on the keypad or wall control.
    • To program the remote control, I pressed and held the desired button on the remote control. Holding it down, I waited until the indicator light on the motor unit blinked or turned off. This action associated the remote control with the opener.
  4. Test the Remote Control:
    • After completing the programming process, I tested the remote control to ensure it functioned properly. I stood within range of the garage door opener and pressed the programmed button on the remote control. The garage door responded by opening or closing as expected.
  5. Additional Troubleshooting:
    • If I encountered any issues or if the provided steps did not work for my specific Linear garage door opener model, I referred to the owner’s manual or contacted Linear’s customer support for further assistance. They were able to provide me with model-specific instructions or help troubleshoot any problems I faced.

Throughout the process, I prioritized following the instructions provided by Linear and exercised caution. It was important to keep the remote control and garage door opener secure and avoid using easily guessable codes to enhance the security of my garage.

By following these steps from Wise County Garage Door, referring to the owner’s manual, and reaching out to Linear’s customer support if needed, I was able to successfully reset my Linear garage door opener, program remote controls, and ensure the security of my garage.

Wise County Door and Gate

Wise County, TX
