A dip switch, also known as a DIP switch (Dual Inline Package switch), is a small device used in various electronic devices, including Trophy Club Overhead & Garage Doors openers, to configure settings or establish communication between components. In the context of garage door openers, dip switches are used to set the code that the remote control and the opener unit use to communicate. This code ensures that only your remote control can operate your garage door, enhancing security.

In this guide, we’ll explore what dip switches are, how they work in garage door openers, their advantages, and considerations when using them.

How Dip Switches Work in Garage Door Openers:

  1. Coding System: Dip switches are used to create a coding system between the remote control and the garage door opener motor unit. When you press a button on the remote, it sends a specific code to the opener unit. The opener unit’s dip switches must be set to the same code to recognize and accept the remote’s signal.
  2. Switch Positions: A dip switch typically consists of a row of tiny switches. Each switch can be in one of two positions: ON (up) or OFF (down). By arranging these switches in specific configurations, you create a unique binary code. For example, a four-switch configuration can create 16 possible combinations (2^4).
  3. Matching Codes: To ensure that your garage door opener only responds to your remote control, you need to match the dip switch settings on both the remote and the opener unit. When you press the remote’s button, it sends the coded signal. If the opener unit’s dip switches are set to the same code, the door will respond.

Advantages of Dip Switches:

  1. Security: Dip switches provide a level of security by allowing you to customize the code between your remote control and the opener unit. This prevents unauthorized remote controls from opening your garage door.
  2. Ease of Use: Setting dip switches is a relatively straightforward process. You can manually adjust the switches to match the code, which doesn’t require any advanced technical knowledge.
  3. Customization: With dip switches, you can easily reprogram or change the code if needed. This can be useful if you lose a remote control or if you want to update your security settings.
  4. Compatibility: Dip switches are compatible with a wide range of older garage door opener models. If you have an older opener, it likely uses dip switches for remote control communication.

Considerations When Using Dip Switches:

  1. Limited Codes: One drawback of dip switches is that they offer a limited number of possible codes. If someone has a remote control with the same code, they could potentially access your garage. Modern rolling code systems overcome this limitation by using a dynamic code that changes with each use.
  2. Security Concerns: While dip switches offer a basic level of security, they are not as secure as modern rolling code systems, which are more resistant to hacking and unauthorized access.
  3. Manual Configuration: Dip switch systems require manual configuration of the switches, which can be time-consuming if you have multiple devices to set up.
  4. Modern Alternatives: Many newer garage door opener models use rolling code technology or digital encryption for enhanced security and convenience. These systems generate a new code each time the door is used, making it much more difficult for unauthorized access.


In conclusion, a dip switch is a small device used in Trophy Club Overhead & Garage Doors openers to establish a coded communication link between the remote control and the opener motor unit. Dip switches provide a basic level of security by allowing you to set a custom code that must match on both the remote and the opener for the door to open. While dip switches are easy to use and offer security advantages, they have limitations compared to modern rolling code systems. When considering a garage door opener, it’s important to weigh the security, convenience, and compatibility factors of dip switches against the features of more advanced technologies.

Trophy Club Overhead & Garage Doors

2412 Trophy Club Dr, Trophy Club, TX 76262, United States
